Where to Vote

Where to Vote On Election Day

Where you vote on Election Day is determined by where you are registered to vote.

If you need to know what precinct or school district you live in, contact our office.

All voting locations are open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Click on your voting location’s address to see a map and get directions.

PrecinctVoting LocationAddress
ConwayConway Community Center102 W. Madison Ave Conway, MO 65632
East Lebanon 1Wallace Building325 Harwood Ave Lebanon, MO 65536
East Lebanon 2-AMills Building650 Mills Drive Lebanon, MO 65536
East Lebanon 2-BFamily Church1450 Tower Road Lebanon, MO 65536
EldridgeFreedom Church of the Nazarene1701 Lynn Street Lebanon, MO 65536
FriendshipFreedom Church of the Nazarene1701 Lynn Street Lebanon, MO 65536
GasconadeDrynob Maintenance Facility30953 Hwy 32 Lebanon, MO 65536
MaysmithSleeper United Methodist Church24899 Garden Crest Rd Lebanon, MO 65536
NeboPine Creek Baptist Church40179 Hwy 32 Lynchburg, MO 65470
OaklandLebanon-Laclede County Library915 S. Jefferson Ave Lebanon, MO 65536
Phillipsburg 1Phillipsburg Christian Church304 Grover Street Phillipsburg, MO 65722
Phillipsburg 2Lebanon City Hall400 S. Madison Ave Lebanon, MO 65536
SleeperSleeper United Methodist Church24899 Garden Crest Rd Lebanon, MO 65536
Spring Hollow 1 & 2Community Baptist Church15905 Hwy 64 Lebanon, MO 65536
WashingtonNational Guard Armory301 W. Fremont Rd Lebanon, MO 65536
West Lebanon 1Laclede County Shrine Club204 N. Madison Ave Lebanon, MO 65536
West Lebanon 1-DFreedom Church of the Nazarene1701 Lynn Street Lebanon, MO 65536
West Lebanon 2Lebanon City Hall400 S. Madison Ave Lebanon, MO 65536

You can also find your voting location by using the Missouri Secretary of State’s lookup tool.

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